Health and safety policy

This is the health and safety policy statement of Michael and Jo Watts who are the employer of Personal Assistants for Thomas Watts.

It is based on the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Policy Statement Template

Part 1: Statement of intent

Our health and safety policy is to:

  1. Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
  2. Manage health and safety risks in the working environment, including our home and the community 
  3. Provide and maintain a safe working environment, including our home and the community 
  4. Provide clear instructions and information to make sure our employees are competent to do their work
  5. Provide personal protective equipment, where appropriate 
  6. Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  7. Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident
  8. Review and revise this policy regularly

Part 2: Responsibilities for health and safety

Overall and final responsibility for health and safety

The day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice belongs to Michael and Jo Watts. 

Employee responsibility 

All employees should:

  1. Co-operate with Michael and Jo Watts on health and safety matters
  2. Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
  3. Take reasonable care of the health and safety of others
  4. Report all health and safety concerns to Michael and Jo Watts

Part 3: Arrangements for health and safety

Risk assessments

  • We will complete relevant risk assessments and take action. 
  • We will review risk assessments when working habits or conditions change.


  • We will give all our employees a health and safety induction.
  • We will make sure suitable arrangements are in place for our employees who work remotely.


  • We will consult our employees routinely on health and safety matters as they arise and formally when we review health and safety.


  • We will make sure escape routes are kept clear at all times and our employees are aware of what they are. 
  • Evacuation plans are tested from time to time and updated if necessary.

Updated: 4 May 2024